Saturday, September 08, 2012

Their Expressions Say it All

We told the kids we had a surprise for them Friday night. Then I changed Ricka's outfit and we had them guess/figure it out. They all had slightly different reactions, and I love that this picture captured each one so perfectly.

Ricka's shirt is actually the very same one that Emma wore in the pictures I put in this post, but we were running out of original announcement ideas and figured that if we were going to use the same method twice, we might as well, use the same shirt too. I just revised the date on the back with some masking tape and a Sharpie and told everyone to ignore the ultrasound picture.

So, now we wait for February to roll around, and although we've waited longer to 'tell the news' in the past, it really won't be that long (pregnancies go faster in relation to the number of other children in the household) and we're coming up on the half-way mark in just under two weeks.