'Looks like it's been a while...
It seems like it's been weeks and weeks since I posted anything, but it's really only been ten days or so. I guess when life gets lost in high gear, time just seems to blur.
Springtime has exploded here, in all its glory - complete with lazy snowflakes, rainy downpours, misty grey days and fabulously sunny ones. We have flowers everywhere, the temperatures have bounced back and forth between balmy almost summer-like to shivering lows that make you wonder how long spring can hold out before deciding to stay a while, there's even been a few days where I thought the porch roof was likely to blow away. That doesn't say too much though, because our porch roof has been less than firmly attached for months now, but recently there have been a few days that have been more windy than is usual.
Anyway, here's a quick walk through my camera pictures of late with a little commentary sprinkled throughout.
On the 8th, Sir and I were the third couple to agree to join Chasm and HisLady for a few days at a beach house on the Oregon Coast. The trip isn't scheduled until June, but we told our kids about it that night, and they were thrilled. Since I didn't have enough buttons in the jar to do a countdown the way we normally do, the kids and I spent the next day making a map to the beach house with a section to color in for each day that's passed until the vacation takes place.

The finished product

Then there was a 'Ladies Tea' on the 13th that the Butler and I got got attend. It was very relaxing and I really had an enjoyable time. (Thank you Lily and Heather!)

Emma and Kay
Grandma C. made these little dresses for Dolly and her friends and now they've been passed down to the little girls. This particular morning (the 14th), Emma woke up wanting to 'match' someone. So, I called Chasm'sLady and found out the same dress had already been laid out for Kay the night before!

And we got to meeting to discover that Chiquita and Dolly were also matching! A few months ago, Lily had found two matching blue dresses that were the same size. She kept one for Chiquita and gave the other to Dolly. It's almost funny how many times Dolly and Chiquita end up wearing the same thing, but the girls love it.

Sisters and Cousins
And Friends

"We MATCH!!!! Can you believe it?!?!!"
Last Friday, the kids and I finally went to visit Sir at work. We missed our January visit for various reasons, and we couldn't go in February because of the Winter Olympics, so the kids were ecstatic to finally get to 'go visit Daddy at work' again. Of course, my camera batteries were dead and ALL eight of my replacement batteries were dead too, so we came home with less than a handful of pictures and only a couple that were really any good at all. It was such a gorgeous day too! I so wanted to take pictures of the helicopter on its river pad, Dolly's first trip with her own ticket (she's not free anymore {sniff}), our very full stroller of picnic supplies and a video of the kids dancing for the Saxophone player at the seabus terminal on the way home, but it was not to be.

On our way back to the seabus, Dolly found a few blossoms on the ground. She started collecting as many as she could and I stopped to see if I could take a picture of them on the tree since they were so beautiful. A passing man saw her collecting the little wilted flowers, leaped up and broke off a branch of blossoms which he gave to Dolly before continuing on his way.

Look how BLUE that sky is!

A regal 'queen'. Dolly was so proud of herself.
She had borrowed Emma's bedsheet and created her own 'gown' all by herself.

And lastly, a fallen horseman - playing dead.

The End
Hi Joy. Tanks for the sweet comments...We do plan to be in your area on the 20th, until the 29 Maybe we can plan a day to be together?
ReplyDeleteYou got some great pictures! Love the one of Emma and Cake! So cute! A countdown map is a great idea! Reminds me of a cross between Candyland game and an advent calendar, only more fun and creative. So your life has been busy too? Fancy that... :)
ReplyDeleteAlas...my last message went to never-never land again. We (Freckles and I) hope to be in your neck of the woods between
ReplyDeleteApril 20th and 29th. Msy we spend a day with you and your family? No doubt this will be my last trip because I seem to be falling apart, piece by piece. I do so enjoy your blogs...please tell me about your next younger sister...I do not have her new address or telephone number...hope she can manage to do home schooling...such a big chore at this time.