Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Our Two-Year-Old Little Girl!

"We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters... unto the LORD."
Exodus 10:9

This picture was the free one that we got to choose aside from the main package picture (below). It's too bad I didn't think of having her posed like this before I settled for the package picture. That just means that I have one copy of this picture to post here, and I can mail one of the many package pictures to friends and family!
It's hard to believe that we've had this little girl as part of our lives for two years now! So much is still fresh in my memory and often it seems like it was just yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. She's been one of the best gifts ever given to us!


  1. Adorable!!! Hope my little girl is half as cute. =)

  2. I'm sure your Dolly keeps you enthralled...she seems to have such an active imagination and a wonderful SMILE!
