Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Birthday Cake Flambé
Saturday we went to Grandpa & Grandma C's house for Sir's birthday party. He requested a Black Forest cake, and Bashful kindly placed the candles that I grabbed from my candle stash decoratively on the cake. Then Grandpa C. lit the candles and I got my camera ready to photograph at least part of the evening. As the above picture shows, my candle stash was a little different this year.
I think this was the best 'blowing-out-the-candles' event I've ever experienced, and I'm so glad I was able to photograph it! Enjoy!

The short candles started setting fire to the tall candles thus creating an interesting effect. After a few seconds of attempting to keep all the candles lit in their proper places, Grandpa C. changed his mind and decided to just rush the brightly lit cake to Sir to quickly blow out.

By the time the cake made it from the kitchen to the living room where Sir was waiting, quite a few of the tall candles were burning in multiple places. But everyone was laughing so hard at this point, Sir couldn't catch his breath long enough to actually blow! You can see that although PC isn't paying attention, Dolly on the other hand looks a little unsure about just what is and what isn't supposed to be happening...

At this point, the flames were so bright that my camera didn't even use the flash. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at a birthday party in my life! Sir finally caught enough breath to blow the candles out after the final flare up you see here. PC still looks dazed, and Dolly looks like she's not so sure she wants a birthday party this year... or maybe just a party without cake?
Posted by ioi at 12:01 pm 5 Comments
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Two Months...
Now that Emma is three months old, I'm not sure I can accurately remember what stage of development she was at a month ago. I feel bad that I'm not keeping up with her monthly pictures the same way I did for the other two kids. Maybe I'll get her three month picture up in the next few days with current information.
Emma was smiling by two months. Unlike Dolly and PC who started responding to a smile with a smile around 3-5 weeks, Emma either couldn't, or just wouldn't be bothered to smile in response until she was at least 6 weeks old. This picture is characteristic of Emma in that she looks like she's in her own little world doing her own little thing. She's still like that really. I couldn't ask for a more laid back baby that demands less attention. It's been very handy, but I end up feeling guilty for not spending more time with her. Don't get me wrong, we do have our fun interactive moments, but they're not nearly as many or as frequent as Dolly and PC's 'mommy&baby' times were.
Speaking of Dolly and PC - This is what they looked like at two months: PC's Two-month Post. I wanted to just stick a picture of all three of my kids at two months old in this post, but I'm too tired to go find the original pictures to upload them in the size I'd prefer. Maybe I'll spend the extra energy on putting Emma's three month post together before she'd already four months old!
Posted by ioi at 11:52 am 3 Comments
Categories: Portraits
Friday, January 04, 2008
Another Year Gone By
I love this picture, and someday if I ever get around to it, I want to blow it up and frame it for one of my walls. Someday. Right now I'm just trying to get out of my blogging slump. I took this picture from the window of our van - while it was moving. We were cruising down King George Hwy probably around 70kph when I glanced out the window to see the sunset. By the time I got the camera case out of the diaper bag, the camera out of its case and my window rolled down, I had enough time to snap two pictures before the view was blocked by a hill of trees. You can't exactly ask your husband to slow down on a two lane highway while you take a picture of the sunset so I was pleasantly surprised with the result!
Anyway, this post isn't about a sunset picture. I wanted to start my 2008 blog off with the New Years get-together that we went to, but that should have been posted on New Years Day. Then I read Aunt Jailgy's blog, and thought her recap idea was a great way to start off a new year.
So, this is my recap of 2007:
January ~
- I started a diet for the first time.
- 6 inch snowfall followed by a week long Cold Snap.
- Found out we were expecting baby #3 (so the diet died after two weeks of life).
- Dolly turned TWO!
February ~
- I hit the quarter century mark.
- 1st Trimester Exhaustion.
March ~
- 1st prenatal visit.
- CF testing in Vancouver.
- More Pregnancy Exhaustion.
- PC started walking (at 8 ½ months).
- My cat Fluffy died.
April ~
- Participated in hosting Richmond's 3rd bible conference.
- More snow.
- The death and resurrection of my Laptop.
- Announced our Pregnancy!
May ~
- Richmond Sunday School Treat.
- Road trip to Red Bluff, CA
June ~
- Left our kids with Sir's parents while we got away for 3 days!
- Went to Walla Walla's bible conference.
- PC turned ONE!
July ~
- Welcomed BC's annual heat wave.
- Celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary.
- Took the kids to the Vancouver Aquarium.
- Went to the 2007 Fireworks Festival.
August ~
- Toured the hospital's Maternity ward.
- Hosted our 5th annual summer's end barbecue.
September ~
- Received a new (and Superior) camera!
- Richmond's Sunday School Picnic.
- Dolly fell over the outside stair railing and fractured her wrist.
- Welcomed Emma!
October ~
- Emma's baby shower.
- Bronchitis of the Year/Asthma attack.
November ~
- Dolly broke her left arm clean through.
- Got to enjoy Richmond's 2-day conference!
December ~
- Tina and her boys visited for a week.
- Got family picture taken.
- Escaped the flu that the rest of my family got.
So, now that I've officially broken in the blogging of 2008, I'll be working on finishing the six draft posts that I've started over the last few months! And its almost 11, so I should be going to bed.
Posted by ioi at 10:54 pm 4 Comments
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